It would be great if these videos actually taught Unicorn I’m not weird I’m a Batcorn shirt people to bake from scratch rather than buying a pre-mixed cake mix from the supermarket, otherwise what is the point. Yea! Finally, something that looks like it can actually be made, and not a fancy pants over the top concoction waiting to be failed! Why make the “cheesecakes” with gelatin? Do they not know how to make a real cheesecake? The gaps between the layers were horrible. As for the cream puffs, the custard filling- all the cornstarch will make them taste like chalk. Make them correctly, or don’t make them at all. I don’t have anyone to bake this for but I want to make that first one so much! As a top fan, I would like to say, the US wouldn’t be able to do this because there would be too many drowning deaths under the inflatables.
Buy this shirt: Unicorn I’m not weird I’m a Batcorn shirt