On episode 3 and it’s so good so far! Thank you for the memories Stranger Things 2016-2019 signatures shirt Let all the mysteries and emotions and feeling build-up to the mountain high just like the previous two seasons. Work! Salute the production team. Ha! He says emotion not logic and she gets all “upset” about it. So she has a negative emotional response to something that might be fact.. if you look at it logically. I’m still annoyed at the fact hopper died he could have just run up the stairs why did he just stand to debate it for 15 minutes. Just got done watching it don’t know what they have planned for season 4 but season 3 is gonna be hard to beat!! Season 3 blows the first 2 seasons out of the freaking water! Definitely way better than season 2 but not as good as season 1. I wonder why it always has to be the same alternate dimension or same bad guys coming from that dimension?
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