Two types of people in the comments Llama teaching 1st grade is Llamazing shirt alpaca before “aww cute” and people who have them like you he’s about to mount you lady getaway. I like how it cuts out the part where he’s about to mount her, that’s typical berserk male behavior. My boy Kuzco was just like this. So where are all his friends? Alpacas are herd animals and he is probably craving for the company- sad to see them on their own. These are the kind of snaps you will receive once you’ve delivered me my alpaca fellas. It is my experience that all creatures have that inherent nature when we love them unconditionally and with our whole hearts, as they love us. I have no alpacas but my mom went to a farm recently and they said the alpacas are not fun. They don’t like to be touched, they are rather mean.
Buy this shirt: Llama teaching 1st grade is Llamazing shirt