My little beagle would greet me Justice League Labradoodle you can’t save the world alone shirt an accident in the house while I was gone she would run and hide.bless her heart I miss her every day. They are so cute and adorable. These dogs have their moments of behaving mischievously. Don’t leave them chocolates in reach they are bad for the doggies so it’s not they fault so don’t make them feel bad it was your fault. I really don’t agree with people shaming their pets. I know this is supposed to be cute, but how would you feel if someone shamed you in public like this? Oh my! How could one possibly stay mad at either of these cuties! So sweet! Same here, people need to chill out. accidents happen our dog ate the head of my son’s rabbit, he was fine. This was before anyone knew chocolate was toxic.
Buy this shirt: Justice League Labradoodle you can’t save the world alone shirt