Be especially generous I am Grinch I say Merry Christmas God bless America I salute our flag and give thanks to our troops if this offends you shirt, sweater? Do-overs are a priceless gift that cost nothing but holds great value. Think to yourself: That’s someone’s baby. That’s my baby. Seeing him or her as a human being who is learning and growing can offer a shred of patience and perspective to get you through a trying morning. When a situation is quickly deteriorating give yourself a 3-second preview of what an angry, critical, or sarcastic response will do. Will it make the situation better or worse? A 3-second pause can save a morning, spare some pain, and prevent regret. On mornings that are not salvageable, remember this: Day after day, you provide countless daily doses of love without even thinking about it.

Buy this shirt: I am Grinch I say Merry Christmas God bless America shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee