This is the meaning of all creatures A man cannot survive on beer alone he also needs a dog shirt great and small living in harmony. They really show us what we should be. Adorable!!! The people worrying about the food be thankful they have food I would think the person sharing this adorable video know what there doing. I may be wrong but I don’t believe that’s a good diet for baby chicks. It’s just starting to feather out..should be on chicken feed (starter/grower) not rice. How can a sweet video turn into an anxiety attack? By reading comments by ridiculous people that can’t see the beauty in things, that’s how. This personifies the meaning of diversity and sharing. Makes me wish I had a doggy, but I have kitties whom I love dearly. It looks like animals are more caring then Humans! Humans Preferred to throw the food shelter away before helping others. If only people could treat each other like these beautiful animals do.
Buy this shirt: A man cannot survive on beer alone he also needs a dog shirt