My best friend rescued her at Marvel Raccoon Raccoonvengers shirt March. Litter box trained and eats with the cats. Save the trash pandas! These raccoons are too darn cute! Yes, they belong in the wild, yes they can carry diseases, yes, yes, yes. Now, let’s enjoy the video for what it’s meant to be, CUTE! Their little fingers get me, so human like! Thanks for sharing! I was always curious, where do they shit? Do you train them to use the litter box? Or do they just open the back door with their strangely human hands and shit in the yard? Baby Mickey playing tonight. He thinks he can take your finger and run off with it. He’s the 3rd raccoon that I’ve raised and they are like miniature toddlers on speed. At least these guys have a longer life span than the ones in the wild that a hound dog has up in a tree to be shot.
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