I feel like this is the way I’m fat but identify as skinny I am trans slender shirt in the “love your body” ads etc. It’s everywhere. I am naturally skinny and am told I am “too skinny” all the time. I have a very high metabolism and have always had a hard time gaining and maintaining my weight. At this rate, I will never be beautiful because I will never be a curvy girl. That seems to be the only thing accepted now. I originally come from Mauritania, I hate these traditions, and now even young men beauty standards are changing, I prefer a girl to have a beautiful normal body. While in our culture people starve to show off skeletons dressed in high couture. Okay. So everyone saying it’s unhealthy is doing too much. Even after 3k calories a day they are smaller than the average American. So, something’s a little off here.
Buy this shirt: I’m fat but identify as skinny I am trans slender shirt
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