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  • Writer's pictureQuá Dương

74 Years thank you for memories Peter Mayhew 1944-2019 signature shirt

Star Wars fans are never happy, 74 Years thank you for memories Peter Mayhew 1944-2019 signature shirt the episode trilogy. Enjoy it for what it is and not for what you want it to be. Kudos to Disney for bringing us FANS new movies and new content to enjoy!! I’m so hyped for this one just like all the others. I got excited like a little kid seeing Lando. That laugh at the end sounded like Palpatine, and Rey’s outfit looks like Padme’s. It was Palpatine. He was on stage when the lights came back on. Was that laugh done by Hamill, though? Because that sounded like my Mistah J. Don’t care what anyone else thinks, will still be there when it opens. The social media hate for ep8 has exhausted even this fan from 77 this trailer reminded me again that star wars are about hope and imagination and the saga is far bigger than all the overhyped anger over one of its episodes.


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